Dynamo Pro 2.0

All in one software
The best software for a detailed analysis of the baropodometric exam.
Dynamo Pro 2.0, unique and innovative software, designed and developed for a detailed analysis of the baropodometric examination, therefore of the plantar pressures, both when stationary and in movement, i.e. of the breech support during walking, finally providing a detailed report of the entire structure of the Human Body.
The software is an All-In-One system that allows you to carry out all analyzes thanks to single centralized management and is compatible with most platforms on the market.
Dynamo Pro 2.0 can be installed on Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10 and 11 platforms.
The ease of use and speed guarantee rapid execution of the exams, the various comparison sections will allow you to compare the pre- and post-treatment in an intuitive way, giving you the possibility of generating detailed reports in PDF

Unmatched resolution
Qualitatively unique, the detail of high resolution breech pressures is extraordinary, thanks to the high number of frames per second.

Complete and intuitive software
The software manages all the equipment we produce and market, Dynamo Pro 2.0 can manage baropodometric platforms, high resolution cameras, pressure treadmills, 2D and 3D scanners, modeling of foot orthoses thanks to the integrated OrthoDynamo Pro software.

Pre and post postural treatment
Dynamo Pro 2.0 thanks to the integrated B.P.S. software manages to calculate the various body dysmetries, allowing you to quantify them on a numerical level and immediately giving you the possibility of comparing them on a visual and numerical level.

Medical PodoPrint
Lor 2D scanner allows you to carry out a computerized examination and scans the feet under load to study breech morphology.
Thanks to this powerful tool it is possible to highlight any structural asymmetries of the foot and the actual cavus that could destabilize motor coordination.
The software automatically calculates the breech measurements and foot angles, offering the user the possibility of printing the relevant detailed report.
It can also be used with the aid of a camera to capture images of the patient's foot in different positions under load or off load.
Computerized static stabilometry is an objective test aimed at the quantitative study of postural oscillations. It is a test that measures a man's stability. This test evaluates the oscillations made by the person when standing, in calm conditions and in the absence of disturbances. Maintaining the upright position for every man is a dynamic and not static moment.
In the pathological field it contributes:
to the diagnosis of balance disorders (peripheral or central vestibular, cortical lesions, visual disorders, osteo-muscular diseases);
monitoring of rehabilitation and pharmacological therapies;
to the medico-legal evaluation to establish the authenticity of disorders attributable to cervical whiplash or other causes.